Usually beautiful wood paneling industrial quality assurance. Wood partition usually made of wood industry because of the following reasons:
Characteristics of industrial wood from warping, shrinkage, while the baffles are products that require precision and aesthetic use of industrial wood is most suitable.
With patterned wooden bulkhead requires the wood the width (usually 1240mm) thickness of thin wooden plates (Lowest 9mm). Natural wood is difficult to meet with the wood surface so wide and thin with natural wood panels CNC break easily when bitten. Conversely laminate meet the above requirements, the large timber, wood panels thin but chewy so can cut complex patterns.
Industrial wood paneling made cheaper than natural wood paneling, while no less beautiful form thanks also natural wood veneer sides.
With the above reasons should septum often use laminate materials. You can refer to the form of wood paneling industry.
Guest room dividers
Wood paneling is one of the main bulkhead partition of living room, bedroom bulkhead. The type of wood paneling can be made of natural wood or laminate. Several types of wood paneling such as wood columns, wooden wall panels, motifs or mixed. Each type has advantages and meets the requirements private use.
Bulkhead-style columns
Style wood paneling wooden columns made of natural wood or laminate veneer or paint the pedestal. This beautiful style wood paneling satisfactory in terms of aesthetics and decoration. Can combine this type of bulkhead with other furniture such as shelves TV, fridge Rieu. This creates the type bulkhead solid but still create ventilation.
Industrial wood bulkhead plate
This is the type of wood used bulkhead sheets style wooden walls. This type of bulkhead create certain privacy, while ensuring the highest aesthetic. Wood partition walls are often the wood industry and cost type bulkhead wall plate is much lower compared to the bulkhead as columns.
Bulkhead wall plates are often combined with wooden pillars to increase rigidity and aesthetics of the bulkhead.
CNC cutting wood paneling pattern has also relatively cheap price compared with the column wall wood types. This type of bulkhead may very creative types as standard pattern. Cutting wood paneling pattern usually packed in a wooden frame or in combination with wooden pillars to ensure the solid bulkhead.
Above are some of the main types of wood paneling. This bulkhead styles can be customized depending on the requirements of use and aesthetics of each person. Furniture Full Development with long experience in making wooden paneling, we are always ready to listen to your requirements to turn the request into the wood paneling beautiful and best suited for living room or bedroom yours.