P2 CARB certification is and why we need them when timber exports

P2 CARB certification is and why we need them when timber exports

P2 CARB certification is and why we need them when timber exports

P2 CARB certification is and why we need them when timber exports

P2 CARB certification is and why we need them when timber exports
P2 CARB certification is and why we need them when timber exports
0913 697051 - 0394 49.39.39 ( Mr Hùng) thanhhung@gothanhhung.com.vn
Tiếng việt English


P2 CARB certification is and why we need them when timber exports

P2 CARB certification is and why we need them when timber exports

chung-nhan- carb p2

At the furniture market Vietnam when buying furniture customers are mainly interested in three main elements, the first element is the price (where cheap but top priority), followed by aesthetic factors (cheap but nice) and finally the reliability (used as long as possible). They forget one important factor applies only to the product line games industry, namely industrial lines plywood planks, MDFva HDF.

In Western countries consumers ranked the factors mentioned above after one major factor that is games industry is not harmful human health, is safe and friendly to the environment, followed by new account cheap factors - reliability - beautiful. They require products to be certified CARB CARB P2 and P2 so born US-certified and we have global values.

Why the current industrial boards have standard CARB P2

As we all know, in the industry, especially industry and food industry Wood Processing, then formaldehyde (also known as a preservative) is a chemical used indispensable to link to wood fibers. However, if they are not tightly controlled below the level permitted, in the habitat of each family the amount of formaldehyde residue escapes from food, from furniture (tables, chairs, beds, wardrobes ...) resonance again together to create lines of toxic gases in the living space. Products with immediate Formaldehyde will harm the health, long term can cause respiratory diseases, diseases of Cancer and Cancer. (Article about the dangers of formaldehyde benchmarks outlined previously).


Let us be wise consumers not to buy products with hazardous substances into living space damaging to their health and their family members when selecting the boarding line closed furniture industry. Specific lines Industrial games you need to care about the problem originated from? Should stay away from games suppliers from China or Vietnam using Chinese technology. And ask that the product can use P2 CARB certified plywood ?, not have invoices from input (help traced boards).

CARB P2 What is the standard?

Date 26-04-2007 California, Board of Directors of California Air Resources (CARB) approved a manual command emission control (referred to as ATCM) with the goal of reducing emissions of formaldehyde from products industrial wood above. The ATCM placed in command roles and different obligations for manufacturers of industrial production boards, distributors, importers, fabrication, as well as retailers apply.

Provisions of the ATCM consists of two phases of an industrial product standards boards emissions and requires good control of the parameters of quality management in manufacturing and formaldehyde emission standards for compliance. To ensure that manufacturers comply with the ATCM standards, manufacturers must be certified by a third party (TPC) which is CARB approval. This involves independent emission testing of panels and factory audits in the manufacturing process to factories primarily in California, USA. From then on CARB P2 standard is widely adopted and even the boarding line is manufactured in Vietnam wishes to export to the US market must also achieve this certification are allowed to enter.

chung-nhan- carb p2

Depending on the different geographic areas will have 3rd party authorized to release CARB P2 in which companies often make Vietnam dossier for CARB P2 in the units authorized in Singapore or Hong Kong. Profile please perform once a year cycle, mainly done to send samples or actual inspection at the factory. Because of that reason, every form of certification may differ but must have the line "... .recognizes sau mill's production as certified to meet all requirements established in Section 93120.2, title 17, California Code of Regulations, Final Regulation order, Airborne Toxic Control Measure to Reduce Formaldehyde Emissions from Composite Wood Products (ATCM) ... "and the code of the 3rd unit there.

Conclusions from the application of standards CARB P2

Today, most companies producing games industry worldwide including manufacturers of plywood in Vietnam were applying for certification CARB P2, besides there are also manufacturers of floating in the water and imports mainly from China substandard CARB P2 so the price is very cheap, this advantage is less that in the long term, the major impact on the health of consumers. Because of this reason, we consider carefully when choosing 1 furniture production units before signing a contract with them if your financial budget only allows users to play games by industrial furniture.

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